Understand the Reaction to Sexual Assault A lot of victims of sexual assault have a very common reaction. They “freeze”, or become very still, while they are raped or while some other assault is committed against them. Sometimes they feel sleepy or pass out. It’s just a myth that a normal person will fight off
Sexual Abuse & Harassment
Why Did A Cable TV Channel Feature Our Client In One Of Its Shows?
The show is called Vanity Fair Confidential, and it can be seen on the Investigation Discovery Channel. Maybe you are familiar with the show. A recent episode, called St. George’s Hidden Dragons, featured our law firm’s client, Forrest Parker. It’s not every day that one of our clients has the opportunity to convey an important
If You Were Assaulted at School, Can the School Force You to Talk to your Perpetrator?
There is a lot of talk these days about “restorative justice.” After a crime is committed, or a rule is broken, school officials assemble all the people involved and try to get them to understand each other. School and college administrators love this procedure and they are getting trained in how to implement it all
Women’s Basketball Coach Says Parents Worried About Sexual Abuse Should Get Knocked in the Face
You may have heard that Baylor University is under investigation by the Office of Civil Rights within the US Department of Education. Several Baylor football players have been convicted of rape in recent years. The coach and University President were forced to step down, and the Title IX coordinator quit, claiming that she was retaliated
Do You Know Children Who Were Sold For Sex Through Backpage?
Kids are being pimped out over the internet on a daily basis. One of the biggest markets for child prostitution is through Texas-based Backpage. That’s an online classified ad company that looks legit at first glance but sells a lot more than motorcycles and antiques. A very large percentage of its business is sex –